Nearly Two Years Adjusting to a Shattered Life

                                                                                                            October 14, 2023

Next month marks Todd’s two-year anniversary of his tragic fall that completely altered our lives… Black Friday. I was thinking that surely, he would have plateaued long before this date but nothing could be farther from the truth. Because of brain plasticity, because of his persistent hard work, constantly pushing for new goals and higher levels of mobility, his body is responding, and the huge community of helpers who give up their time, skills and support, Todd can now walk ½-3/4 of a mile and he can cycle an impressive 27+ miles per day on his e-assist recumbent trike. Rehab at Good Shepherd is pushing him two times a week, but also here at home, with all of our helpers. A dear friend installed a cable “skyline” through our forest, allowing Todd to safely navigate up to 75 feet, using a safety harness. First with the walker, then with two forearm crutches, and now with just a cane. Todd is also walking in the shallow section of the pool with just a cane and in the deeper sections, all on his own. I am his aqua therapist two times a week and I get to torture him for an hour, especially making him walk up to 2.3 MPH on the underwater treadmill. Todd can now dress himself and get out of bed himself, as well as put himself to bed, even hook up his nighttime condom catheter. He can do the dishes, standing at the sink; cook on the gas range and the wood cookstove, and cut up and prepare a meal. We are moving along.   

Paralysis is ever present however, and his body experiences tremendous “tone” (dystonia- which is when muscles involuntarily contract, creating intense tightness). We have a new doctor however, who specializes in this particular problem, so we are hopeful, with Botox injections, it can be better managed. Todd’s right hand is very, very slow to come back, which must happen before he can safely carve again, which is a goal for 2024. And, he still sinks into extreme sadness and fatigue from the incredible hard work he must put in, day after day, 12 hours a day, and the hopelessness and frustration of it all. To everyone else, progress looks incredible. To him, it is incredibly slow.  Todd’s biggest challenge (even bigger than getting his body to move again) is being positive and living in gratitude. This is his highest mountain to overcome, but he is trying and succeeding!

I personally, have tremendous hope because I can now see what good I can do with this horrific, life-changing tragedy. Todd’s happy place now, is on his trike, since walking requires so much more focus, balance and strength. On his trike, Todd feels the closest to normal that he can and he enjoys looking around- safely, moving fast through the world (as walking is very slow), and being immersed in the natural world. We attempted to cycle the 65-mile Pine Creek Rail Trail in September through the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon and we were wildly successful. Todd could ride three days in a row, without being impacted and even covered over 27 miles his first day! Soooo, high hopes for 2024. Longer trails and more training, for in 2025, we head to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state and will cycle 2,000 miles of the Great American Rail Trail to Washington, DC. The entire route is 3700 miles but we will only do the rail trail sections and stay off the road (the rehab has folks who have had spinal cord injuries from bicycle wrecks). Along the way, we will connect to bike clubs, trail organizations, veterans groups and the media, to build awareness of adaptive cycling and all it can give you. Forty-two million Americans suffer with a severe disability but where are they? In their homes, where they are comfortable and safe. Many could be out cycling like Todd if they knew how. Good Shepherd Rehab wants to be a corporate sponsor and we will look for more.

I am about to purchase a toy hauler/tiny RV which has a long ramp, enabling Todd’s trike to roll on in, as well as has a small kitchen and benches to turn into beds, tables or shelves. We will have our sponsors names and logos painted on the RV. In the meantime, and after the long ride in 2025, we will take our camper and travel the eastern US, doing research for a new guidebook on places to go in the natural world where adaptive trails, programs exist. There is a tremendous need for this kind of information and we are the ones to do it.

This winter, I will begin working on my book about Todd’s long “Road to Recovery,” with the ride across America being the last amazing chapter. I have also begun to do some magazine writing this past year and it feels good to be a working writer again. Of course, I am 99.9/10 per cent of the time, a badass caregiver and drill sergeant, but also a new Mom Mom grandmother to Sierra & Eben’s little son, Kieran. If ever there was a joy bringer in life, despite incredible hardship, it is a grandchild.  

Posted in: Uncategorized

15 thoughts on “Nearly Two Years Adjusting to a Shattered Life Leave a comment

  1. I continue to be proud to know you. Sorry we only had one time to travel together, be together. Big hugs to you and Todd. Carla (now living in Mexico, where you all would always be welcome.)

  2. We met many years ago! Our boys played Little League! I moved away and have now retired and moved back to the area. Our purpose in life changes as we are faced with various challenges. I read your posts and am inspired each day of your courage strength and will to continue to persevere. I am not surprised at all. You and Todd are warriors and you will continue to help others by your example of living your best life. What a gift you are giving to mankind! 😍🥰🙏💪🏻

  3. This is amazing progress compared to the dark dawn after the fall. I can’t imagine how it feels to put in so much work for such incremental progress. As a team, you two are inspiring!

  4. Cindy, Todd – I’ve followed your posts over these two years with much sadness and wonderment of your resilience. You remember your arrival in Coulterville and your bike trip from San Francisco to Yosemite in 2016 to celebrate America’s leadership through John Muir and TR to create National Parks.

  5. Cindy and Todd,Thank you so much for this inspiring update on Todd’s progress with his health issues. You are BOTH amazing.Enjoy you’re grandson and each other!Love,Patricia and Stephen Kle

  6. That is how you two have always lived – pushing each other in the best of ways, always when you need it most. Love you much and that baby is a sweetheart!! XO

  7. What a journey it’s been! Thank you for continually sharing his progress, your struggles and all the stories of support. Yes, from the outside it looks like tremendous progress but I know it’s so frustratingly slow to Todd. We love you all and support you as you tally ho, carry on and reclaim your lives!

  8. Cindy your perseverance and resilience in this journey is a blessing to all that need to believe, in faith ,hope and healing and most of all love .Thanks for sharing your real life changing day to day ups and not so up days with all .Love ,peace and happiness to you !

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